Monday, May 2, 2011

80's Style Basketball Shorts

A win or stay on the road (against a rival and always complicated) Challenging the sauna

1. Labor Day and to honor him, the way to work. From the early hours, everything is relative, but is dormingo not forget, I follow the President's activities and policies in the country. Look pretty hard to get to the stadium in the afternoon.

2. Craviotto DT an eleventh test again, on the date 16 of the tournament: Daniel Vaca, Percy Colque, Delio Ojeda, Federico Mendez and Luis Garcia (Captain); Nelvin Soliz, Leonel Reyes, Alejandro Chumacero and Renan Addles; Luis Melgar and Cristian Ruiz. The triad is composed arbitral Joseph Jordan, and Samuel Chuca Vladimir Tango.

3. I try to listen, but the transcript of an interview prevents me. tune Sports Network when I just transcribed. Minute 20, the Animal Addles removes his marker and focuses it to Ruiz, which fails to be spliced.

4. GOOOOL DEL TIGRE. Addles ball fight in the large area and focus, Ruiz does a kind of pivoting from a small area border Melgar comes only at the other end to push her head. Minute 21.

5. I stop listening, because a colleague in the writing is doing interviews and radio phone that I paid too much noise Lidia gets even minimum, and I can not putting on headphones. I know, because co- Action also follow the match, which we keep winning.

6. Although we conclude the first part with an advantage, this rival worries me, because more than once we drowned the party. The following statistics indicate that won 12 times, including eight and drew seven times, including last February 13 in the Synthetic Chiji El Alto. Restart the game and return to address transmission.

7. GOOOOL DEL TIGRE. Soliz receives the ball from the left sends the Animal Addles and from the right side of the large area crosses to David Torres, FC Barcelona goalkeeper. Minute 47.

8. Minute 53, goal La Paz Football Club. Richard Rojas shot from outside the area, Vaca is ahead and can not avoid being brewed in gantry. A goal of the veteran who has taken his football for San Jose, The Strongest and Aurora, among other clubs.

9. GOOOOL DEL TIGRE. Melgar again, to bring some peace and quiet. The Santa Cruz removes his marker after receiving a pass master of Choco and sends it to the bottom. 64 minutes.

10. final note, as did the DT variants. 68 minutes, Sacha Lima Ruiz, who did almost nothing in the game. 77 minutes, replaces Rodrigo Ramallo Addles Animal, one of our quasi-essential. 80 minutes, replacing Luis Hector Cristaldo Melgar.

11. My friend Jorge Jove comes to writing after the game and told me it was a smooth game, but the radio was another story idea. What matters is victory. And the room where we are, yet only a point of momentary leaders. It is a tough game against one of them. I hope you know Craviotto and company do their job in the Imperial City.


Monday, April 25, 2011

Illegale Cubase Op Mac

Trinity (Final: Craviotto, LITTLE GAIN outside of La Paz)

1. Family Weekend. Saturday, birthday celebration in advance of the first niece / granddaughter, meets almost everyone. Sunday, barbecue ditto. He planned to go to the cinema a few weeks ago I do not see a movie on the big screen-and-forward or even try to end the Salander, but in the end neither one thing nor the other. We played with anger that come from being goleados, and that makes me set aside the traditional breakfast in a cup tiger, although requirement put noodles for lunch, which starts at the same time the party in the capital of Beni.

2. Craviotto DT starts with the same eleventh that left at East on Wednesday: Daniel Vaca, Enrique Parada, Delio Ojeda, Federico Mendez and Luis Garcia (Captain); Nelvin Soliz, Leonel Reyes, Alejandro Chumacero and Regis De Souza, Luis Melgar and Cristian Ruiz. The referee is Joaquin Antequera, supported by the bands Arold Jorge Calderon and Valda.

3. I can not find radio broadcast direct from Trinidad and I enjoy the ruckus that ensued in the Siles for the alleged similarity of uniforms from La Paz FC, Real Potosi, which resulted in the delay of almost 25 minutes at the start of the actions and the expulsion of Juan Carlos Paz Garcia Loco, brindle and now former coach of LPFC. Only in the Carnival of the self-described "professional league" these things happen in Bolivia.

4. 4th minute goal from Real Mamore. Carlos Molina gets a pass Juan Marauder in the area, midway between Garcia and Mendez, and pushes. Concern in our family table.

5. Transmission is concentrated in the gun that intransigence chiverío dirigencial and lack of foresight in the Siles. 37th minute goal from Real Mamore. Juan Marauder enters and shoots against Vaca at will, sending it under the Santa Cruz right of goal.

6. "More than three years that the tiger did not get succeed in Beni capital "begins the note on the game this Sunday marks Reason. Computer graphics - "popcorn" tell my co-Action points out that seven times was played in the city Trinity: three wins of the premises, as many draws and a victory for us. By the way, Marks notes concern: "Since 2008 . The ultimate victory of The Strongest to Real Mamore in Trinidad was the April 13, 2008, with the score of 1-3, and goals from Santiago Silvera, Pablo Escobar and Alan both against Loras. "

7. finish eating and I settle on the computer, listening to the broadcast Sports Network -what torture the entire clan: they enjoy some music while still churning jaws. Minute 48, Real Mamore goal, penalty. Ojeda grabs him and drops Marauder. The striker runs and throws it right de Vaca. Minute 52, Real Mamore goal and second penalty. Mendez makes the offense Marauder and Argentina to the strip now to the left of goal. 58 minutes goal from Real Mamore. Garcia tries to clear and bounces off the Marauder plexus, puzzles the Cow keeper can do nothing. It is a win so horrific that release my anger on the wall of Facebook a friend, who claims why not put "our DT" when referring to Craviotto, I think is clear for others.

8. GOOOOL DEL TIGRE. Ruiz comes from just in front of Pablo Lanz and makes it a quasi hat. 67 minutes.

9. Minute 89, Real Mamore goal. Backlash and the left Vaca, who left to narrow, Oleg Salenko Marauder puts his name in the history of the Bolivian League. For the forgetful: Salenko is Russian made him 5 to Cameroon in the match which ended 6-0 in the World Cup USA 94.

10. GOOOOL DEL TIGRE. Pass Melgar and Ruiz in command of a half turn right corner of Lanz. 90 min.

11. There. We were second, we are now fifth. Some will say that only three points that separate us from the new pointer and continue on the lot of potential champions, but I think the reality beyond us: a team too rough, a DT NOT KNOW WIN outside La Paz (play and eight road games: two wins, two draws and four losses), the lack of an owner and front-SOMETHING TO BE SOLVED BEFORE THE SOUTH AMERICAN, "they like to accept the argument Carlos Enrique Rivera Quique " El Tigre was dropped from the title race. " DT platense Or give us the lie for? Next Sunday we play with La Paz, we have always complicated. I do not expect the work-shift, "but hopefully we win. The row over the rout that we plugged the quasi fallen not remove me soon.

PHOTO: APG / La Prensa.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Vijay Hindu Or Christian

Holy Saturday

I'm still on the streets flooded with people
breath air saturated with this heat

Easter I'm still in the act of turning without notice
know myself to look over his shoulder near

not miss me when I walk I wait for
you rediscover if someone crosses the conversation
just outlined

this day dry lightness
Madero Street with hordes of people at this time
by God, that everything is softened and melts

languish and take your time

Help Finding Relic Of Eternity In Great Pyramid

Beata Island, save beauty and history in southern Dominican

Beata Island, as well as Alto Velo, was discovered by Christopher Columbus during his second tour in late August 1494. So strategic is the location of these islands that Columbus visited them in three of his four trips. On his first trip, in regard to Hispaniola, Columbus was limited to border its northern coast.
On his second trip, coming from Jamaica, sighted the islands (Beata and Alto Velo). On his third voyage, in 1498, Columbus sailed from the island of Margarita in the Venezuelan coast, to the Hispaniola, where he arrived on August 19 but the current pushed him to the island Beata. Bartolomé de Las Casas tells us that The admiral came to the "tiny island he called Madama Beata" and "is with her one more little girl that has a loft serruela, which from a distance and called his name appears sailing Alto Velo."

In his fourth and last voyage, on August 3, 1504, Columbus Beata plays again, coming from Jamaica. Likely duration on Beata Island was between 35 and 40 days waiting for favorable winds to pass through Cape Mongó. So his letter says: "Since the Blessed, where the wind forced me back, Saturday August 3."

subsequently established a sea route to Jamaica and to the mainland, the island Beata served as a rallying point and strategic location for the ships, because it is the most southerly position of the colony. This same circumstance attracted buccaneers and pirates during the XVI and XVII to ravage the coast and sea routes of the English empire. There are many tales of as pirates "Lolonois" and Morgan had washed up on Beata Island and adjacent coasts.

The English possessions of cattle kept on the island to supply Beata maritime expeditions in the path to the new world. These cattle are kept in Cimarron way until the end of the eighteenth century. These circumstances, together with its strategic position made Beata scenario of not a few skirmishes in which ships from Santo Domingo were pirates and privateers who, having to Tortuga Island in Haiti as the primary basis, came down there to attack the Caribbean routes from the English crown.

In 1870, the State granted a concession for 50 years, Beata Island Telésforo Volta Colonel citizen and work to set salt paying to the Treasury on 5% of the profits thereof. There are still remnants of these salt; of the largest salt was mined until the 60's.

Beata Island

The island is separated from Cabo Beata (in Hispaniola) by the Canal de la Beata; this channel has at its widest point, about 7 km in the east and 8 km from its western side. The Canal de la Beata has shoals of different depths of up to 3 fathoms deep and serves as a limit to the Blessed by the North. In the southern part is separated from the island of Alto Velo by Channel Alto Velo, the distance between the two islands of about 11-12 km.

the island's terrain can be divided into three types:
Sandy. In the western part of the island there are small sandy coves. The longest beaches Blessed are the North, where strong wind blows day and night.

dogtooth limestone in ("dogtooth limestone" in English) that are heavily eroded limestone and difficult to negotiate. Reservoirs

occupied by mangroves.

limestone substrate in the karst phenomena have caused a multitude of caves, caverns and caves. An important cave bat habitat and paleontological information is stored Durán Cave Espinal. It is located about 2 km from Boca Bridge, about 40 meters high, growing to the west. Other caves and rock shelters found on the cliffs of the southern and southwestern coast of the island, but because of its difficult access have not been investigated so far.

on the island include the following vegetation:
semideciduous forest on limestone
This formation occupies a large part of the Beata Island. Characterized this type of forest to be a very dense forest, multilevel, where approximately 50% of the trees lose their leaves during the period of seasonal drought.

This type of forest grows on shallow soils of clay about 15 cm deep, covered largely by litter subject to slow decomposition according to microclimate.

semi-deciduous forest on limestone Coastal
This forest type is a variant of the former, which is distinguished by having a microclimate wetter breath due to marine and topographical conditions. Semideciduous forest

this vegetation type is distinguished by the height and thickness of the trunk of your trees. It develops in the plains between the hills, where they have been able to form deep soils with greater water retention capacity, and the action of the winds and drying is minimal. In Beata, at the foot of the cliffs of the west of the island. Dwarf Forest

This plant formation is developed on the limestone in areas exposed to the permanent action of the winds, which blow with prevailing east-west direction from inland sea.

physiognomically presents the appearance of a dense low scrub, but many species are abundant trees in dwarf form as an adaptive response to the constant action of wind. Creeping forms predominate and pads, using vegetation cracks and fissures of the limestone to proliferate, so that it is possible to walk "over the woods" so thick and tight as offered.

This interesting biocenosis is characterized by having a permanent water stress due to the drying effects of wind disturbing exchange between plants and the atmosphere produced by sweating, so try to plant stay glued to the ground where wind speeds are lower and orient their branches and tops in the same direction. The terminal branches appear devoid of leaves and stems while trees are twisted rock crawling seeking the shelter of a crack or other accidents to protect foliage.

The coastal dwarf forest is well represented on the island of Beata, developed in a coastal strip along the coast north from Punta Beata to Punta Ocrique, and spreading to the East coast and Southeast. This training, in the vicinity of the rocky coast, presents a very stocky with coverage of 60%, barely reaching 50 cm in height and filling the crevices the rocky limestone, predominantly pillow forms. Mangrove

Present around the lakes of the Northeast coast of the island. The dominant species is Rhizophora mangle exclusive.

Coastal Forest on sandy alluvial soils
This plant formation is developed in sandy soils in proximity to the sea. Beata proliferates on the island throughout a coastal strip in the litroal West and Southwest. Near Boca Bridge zonation can be observed between the coastal forest, the semi-deciduous forest and semi-deciduous forest on limestone.

Among the animal species on the island Beata is possible to find sea turtles and rhinoceros iguana (Cyclura cornuta cornuta), whose major population is Beata. The colubrid Alsophis anomalus is the largest in the country and extremely rare, but in the Beata Island the species appears to be still common. This island is probably the last refuge for this species a very interesting group of colubrid still unknown in the West Indies. Abound, many species of waterfowl. The white-crowned pigeon (Columba leucocephala) nests on the island.

Several archaeological sites have been discovered on the island, being the best known Dumet Site, located on the northeast shore of the island, 600 m inland from the beach. The investigations were used to estimate that there had been an Indian settlement about 500 to 800 individuals.

Source: La Republica Dominicana by J. Marcano

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Create My Own Wrestler

recovered the smile (or "Bureaucracy" ate his Lettuce planted in Camiri) Award

1. One day on Wednesday. First, cut the electricity at home, rather it was then that I noticed a shower. Later, my computer at work has problems with internet connection and be aware of the reconnection, I forget to take the recorder to an interview I had to write as secretary stenographer, but saved the step. Lunch at ease, I move to wear to the stadium and between 14:30 and 19:30 dispatched, with my partner found three pages that touch us, meanwhile, has missed the boat in Seville and I pay two bets. I get to the stadium when the game has started, I put in the long line to enter with a credit-control manual is a nightmare, and when you reach the door I say that I raised my card last year ... Way to the ticket booth, ask a man who buys me a ticket because that row is also long, I get my ticket and finally! I'm in the temple Miraflores. When I sit next to my family, my brand Citizen trucho 20:20. I lost at least 15 minutes game.

2. Néstor Craviotto eleventh proposes that the bat is not: Daniel Vaca, Enrique Parada, Delio Ojeda, Luis Méndez and Fedeerico Garcia (Captain); Nelvin Soliz, Leonel Reyes, Alejandro Chumacero and Regis De Souza, Luis Melgar and Cristian Ruiz . The referee is Alejandro Mancilla, supported by Maurice and Robert Alvarado Villarroel.

3. Minute 25, the center of Choco Chumacero-who plays his anniversary party, "and saves header Melgar Hugo Chila Suárez. 27 minutes, another center, this time commanded by Pepe Garcia and Ruiz headed over. My cousin Mayck bitching starts: with these poles East has in its rear-regards Alejandro Schiaparelli and 6 - we will not ever reach the top. As the Animal Addles, injured, is neither on the bench, has some logic. 29 minutes tops Marcelo Aguirre from 30 yards and the ball hits the crossbar. The few fans who live on campus is at the northern end of the General do buri.

4. Minute 31, Joselito Vaca shot from outside the area, but the shot is very soft. 33 minutes, Reyes does the same in the penalty area: the whimsical leaves near the bottom left corner of the southern arc. 34 minutes stop sends a cross from the right, but nobody gets to splice. Minute 39, De Souza, one of his worst games, although they are already at least three walks in his game a pauper-level enters the area from the left and ends, but Suarez sends a corner kick. Minute 41, Choco test from the right corner of the penalty area, clears Chila, collects and focuses De Souza: Ruiz's header over the porch. Minute 46, passed from the left center, picks up De Souza, Reyes refocused and the slaps, almost licking out the bottom right of Suarez.

5. From the previous day I spent bothering "Face-book." Put it: "Recruiting for tomato and avocado salad with oriental Lettuce." The replicas of my friends once purslane not left waiting. "Beware that you're choking on the seed of the avocado," said Pablo Ortiz. Jorge Arturo Lora puts it: "Beware the avocado seed is big, if you move from the choking, the other way out should not hurt." At the end of the day, the sore is another.

6. Restart the same 22 stocks. In the meantime it sits next to me Jorge Jove, longtime friend and colleague, former leader tabby, who suffers as much or more than me. Minute 52, Melgar takes it out and shot from outside the area, but Smith deflects to the corner. Minute 58, Percy Colque debut in this tournament, the so I think, and replaced the boos De Souza. Return home to hear their complaints about the taunts of the public, if a player can not take it, take some time to other things.

7. GOOOOL DEL TIGRE. stop sending yet another cross from the right, behind East is undermined, I have no idea where he is the blond-Schiaparelli, Ruiz header and crossed the ball down and school was Suarez, who flies for the photo. Break out almost 11 thousand people the warm tonight Siles. Minute 59.

8. 67 minutes, Reyes played with Colquhoun and native Chojlla mine takes a shot to be about five meters from the bottom right corner of the porch north. 69 minutes, Luis Cristaldo replaces Ruiz, who apparently was injured in a previous move. The ovation shudders. Craviotto want / should plug because East has been a raid, but totally disorganized, and our defense seems composed of K buses, all run behind the ball.

9. 77 minutes, Nelvin Soliz, who is not the edgy, last year, gives way in the field Rodrigo Ramallo. Minute 85, backlash Tigre: Cristaldo empty what is left of the green defense, passing it the field opens to Colquhoun, who enters into the area from the right and pulls out a diagonal shot. The Chila Suarez da rebound and Ramallo, just in front of the porch, the center sends a Masita the East goal as the fat gets caught going to meet his body. Minute 90, Ramallo tries from afar. Schiaparelli then makes a violent failure that the judge charged, in retaliation, at the end of the game are sent insults and avoiding the other players will get to touch. Is almost the least important: that just beat the pointer.

10. The day started badly, but could not close better. We went hoarse, Jorge still scrapie nerves and my family with hands on cell phones, annoying acquaintances East squad that has four games without a win in the league. I try to do it then but takes me: In a number I answer someone who does not know, and i do not listen well, but says it is "live", the other not even deign to reply.

11. We are second, at least for a few hours or weekend if floripondio give us a hand tonight. On Sunday we visited in Trinidad Real Mamore, apparently at 14:00. I hope I can follow a path. For now, although I do not participate in the celebrations, very good start of Holy Week.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pierrot (pump) - Lee Hyun Do

passion for objects

ears reach the crossroads

kneads the air
order the sandwich on the table
the archetype a bird at the window

mouth girl beware of getting nowhere

watered the plants every third day to not succumb

or frightened in the natural dryness of your skin

always beware

bound feet did not arrive in time to craft shops
or chamber music concerts

beware leisure fashion, gesture, all that to approach someone with a
and push forward hit invisible

beware of objects reflector lamp in the empty chair
the elastic sheet without dawn entangled
feet of the figures on the shelf, postcards,
of leftovers in the refrigerator

phone mirror

take care of all take care of you, you are right there lurking

talking about you everywhere gastándote

be you yourself that is so awesome to see

beware of cakes and carbohydrates

skin beware beware what white teeth nails

beware the digestive
mouth with the wind take care kisses

food today

cloudy today it does not matter unless it is today
cuídate la ropa fina
y los zapatos caros

cuídate de salir bien en las fotos
por si acaso cualquier cosa

Monday, April 18, 2011

Do Cheats Mess Up Pokemon Emerald For Vba

opportunism (we do not score, but we have a arquerazo)

1. Sunday at home. Personal tradition and its ridiculous price increase I decided to stay away from Siles, which was not filled according to radio reports. Lunch minutes before you start the game, is so nice to spend the day in bed and I settle to follow the incident, transmitted by the Sports Network .

2. Néstor Craviotto decided to start the game with Daniel Vaca (captain);
Jair Torrico, Delio Ojeda, Luis Méndez and Gerson Garcia; Enrique Parada, Sacha Lima, Alejandro Chumacero and Renan Addles; Luis Melgar and Cristian Ruiz. Referee Osca r Maldonado, Wilson worked for Arellano and Juan Carlos Cardozo.

3. The first fifteen minutes of the match passed without many emotions. Are lucky to count two auctions of Animal Addles, which disturbed a little Argentine Marco Argüello. As guessed, is a close match of mutual study and expects the opposite error.

4. In the second 15 minutes the natives of Tembladerani encouraged. Uruguayan severe William Ferreira auction allows the first showcasing our goalkeeper Vaca. El Tigre is falling.

5. Third quarter hour. The clashes come and go, but not clearly. For although our approaches are more heavenly than aurinegros. Lose up to one man: Jair Torrico lock is properly removed by an attacker who went to the porch on 34 minutes. Pedestal cow gets to make a memorable monument covered Ze Carlos, who, as Carlos Enrique Rivera, should not be Brazilian because he can not play or futebol.

6. I do not regret the absence, but the enthusiastic Alberto Funes said in his comment that those who were not lost to us. While playing in Miraflores, I scan matches between Tigre and Boca and Colo Colo and Universidad Catholic (almost a classic). In addition, the deferred first of four English classics.

7. I'm looking for a couple of remedies and I'm talking a while with the newspaper stands and who are ready to get his job, which makes me lose the minutes you complete the hour. Craviotto Nelvin Soliz sent to patch the rear, instead of Melgar who did nothing. After Rodrigo Ramallo and joined Regis De Souza, instead of Lima and Garcia, respectively.

8. Ojeda lost the ball near our area, Ferreira takes it eliminates a Cow and arc available to fit the only goal of the game. Although opportunism and Merit for us. Runs 66 minutes.

9. El Tigre try to get a draw, but as we have no front-Ruiz is a guy lost in space Ramallo and apparently he ran out of their day; Addles could not, "resigned just three units, despite a clear approach as that which took additional time De Souza. A juvenile debutant classic, was also ejected by the referee, the more likely to punish the tiger moves to premises for purposes of collection.

10. Did it influence the expulsion of Torres? Yes, but can not be an excuse. Craviotto admits he lost it, against an opponent more practical. Viewing summaries diverse, we get relatively cheap and we have said Vaca, who cries is saying to do so stubborn Quinteros play with the Green.

11. We quarters, but just four points in the first, who played on Wednesday from 20:00. There, I will go, because I want to scream victory over the team's Viva. Too bad: the undefeated Daniel Vaca was broken after 476 minutes and will not, at least for now, beyond the records of Victor Aragon.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Mill Pride Closet Organizers

Vacía desde el día de ayer
se me salieron por la boca dos o tres personas
varios nombres propios
ciertos meses de lluvias
una bola de pelos atorada en la garganta hacía varios meses

vacía pude distinguir bien las paredes del estómago
para empezar de nuevo

contaminarme con otros asuntos
distintos pero dañinos

mi cuerpo una boca seca
a gotas de agua lo llevo al lavabo
y lo exprimo a más no poder
aún queda líquido en el pie izquierdo

I get exhausted lump in the bed Arilla
to wait another spasm

the last, which runs out at last the long wait for food and sleep and phone calls

by God it was Sunday and placed flowers on his neighbor
entry was screaming and I

burning with fever as I was expecting something
emptied at low volume and thought
on things on this side of the building

the body knows better than anyone I
postpone all talk and when not

know how to tell this part of me is untouchable

Sunday, April 3, 2011 How Do I Get Ten Day Membership


precise immaculate floor
the edges of the blinds all ready

was coming

insult gas seller ordinary
most ordinary scene of street

requires staff responsible young man who lives in the area completed application

ask here in front of the garbage station
to what I call everyday life

not know about you or your country
how things are

Henry Miller lived in Paris and liked
starvation apparently what fate that

the lasagna out of the steaming body salivated
oven tomato meat
moved unevenly:
the rarefied atmosphere of an odor to which one could get used

people queuing to enter
eating habits avid roamed those already occupied table:
napkins in the mouth, the sound of

covered children who eat too slow and not
it's time to let them do his will was coming

knew only that it:
who came and sat asked the same thing: spinach salad with some dressing and smiled
nothing to add to the conversation.
conformed to the game that we had built,
no rules:
see us on this side of the table. I have

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wher Can You Find Thermasilk Shampoo?


mother sed

already sea \u200b\u200bcover my hair

lest I absorb the moisture sip

bringing me down I slurrrrpp

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cost Of Installing Rolladen Shutters

the DNA migration

There was no milk for cappuccinos. that was the drama of the day. What else? The bathrooms do not have the right toilet paper is not new, what it is: that the doors can not close. Improvised the technical skills and become jugglers in the matter. not recognize that plasticity.
recently told me that some people are aware of his greatness and write to endure in the memory. all the reasons had never thought of that. rather believe that writing is to take something in memory to be sliding on washed and crowded alleys. "So that others remember that we exist? by God, so much responsibility. if I go to the cafe in a couple of weeks will no longer imagine. So much for my sense of posterity. I remember my friends for two days after the party.
I was told by several times this week, are you okay? if charged every time they ask me that. if I had a brilliant idea. if it smooths the skin. if my house is cleaner.
a record start (are there others?) Removed the curtains. The department is larger. is a fishbowl. neighbors can stick their nose without scruples. the pantry is not visible because it is usually the doors closed. I feel helpless, naked, and merchandise display case. sensation is not unpleasant. if we were exposed as well, so clearly, we can be without defense is true, but also: we are not this can be seen. neighbors are anything but somos.yo.
duraremos. DNA that tells the familiar: good teeth. roots to the nose. We soon calcify. the roots are words put into the mouth. climb. when I smile my quality of people hanging out.
in the genes is the remarkable indifference in a country of obese-to sweets. we index the edge of the cake and is enough. it is enough sugar for weeks or even months. I do not care
posterity than those who do want to be brought at the time they are not, distress me greatly as disposable items. I think in a sea of \u200b\u200bfloating plates and cups, with plastic forks, diapers, with both object that is thrown away and huge bags full of garbage and not know where they are going to give. and the sea is the last place where I imagine all: if there began the swarm of insects that evolved into animal life, receives her gift: a mouth open / wet / trembling. There

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cruising Areas In Raleigh Nc

orphans who have both parents alive. So I have no country even though still in it. Not tied to him. I do not believe in it. Men here are not for me. I finally have clear. So many years have passed and I collided with its architecture, its urban planning, with its gardens caged with chinoiserie vendors swarming on the walls are fungi. The destitute, the old ladies barefoot, dripping fat snacks unhealthy children of lights, bland soap operas, assassinations, the army occupied territories with the view.
I urge verte. Why all the sites you went there? so far from me. put miles between us so I could understand the concept of remoteness. I already did. Teak will return. Not
. Not. Love is empty in his absence. Besides I am country orphan you. But I'm not a sad picture. Not so bad: I understand what many may not ever understand. I can enumerate words in your absence and talk with me. A gap in the center of my language. In the square of the constitution of my language. In the center of my national flag. I make small drawings in the notebook in ls meetings. I grew up. I'm an adult now. When I awoke I discovered I had to pay rent. And I courses. And teach people to think. Can you believe that? I teach others.
teaching is to reread articles of the past. reread. simple and didactic as I have always been. Can you imagine?
This place has no men for me. I said it before with laughter. Now is not fun. grow for some reason removed the fun of some things.
you happy you did not have problems in that area: the genital. mmghhh. for men is different I guess. I do not know. I am very masculine and I do not agree.
should go to the cries told me more than once, drunk to the core. I scream. I shouted. this was not my place.
I will not explain then why I would not. I could not even wanted. your life was not exemplary. but you were right.
each must find his country. until that happens as we live on borrowed time. no one who understands our humor, our sufferings. supposed lack of empathy to what was truly an estrangement horrendous: a wonder not to miss but not recognized.
fruit my heart is exposed. I leave here. I must. is for me. not by anyone else. by parents who did not have, in the city that had, by the house I never had. by the lover I never had. for that dream kitchen.
my schedule changed. I do not read at night, no night work.
work on three schools: I move from south to north and then to the center. without finding my own center.
what happens is that you are complex, someone told me. how terrible is that not true. I'm so simple it's scary to see me. But I said, here, and ho is nothing to do.
animal migrations occur for two reasons: search food and procreation.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Letter For Ending A Tenancy

taxis stories:

Alejandro invited me to dinner during a trip from my house to the bus terminal. She told me her life in twenty minutes. His philosophy of life (no driver who has not attained his philosophy of life). He talked about the directness and good man he is. Of the women who loved him and loved him. Just turned around to where it was, focused on traffic and the thread of his story.
did not go to college. He was married to a woman who hit him. He told me that once while he was asleep was awakened to blows with the broomstick, his face bleeding and weeping women, and repented of the outburst, he explained, "is you were not for me. "
Alejandro is also available to former lovers who call and ask to borrow money or to collect their children at two in the morning where they are spending the night.
I told the young wife his cousin who took a ride in the taxi home because the girl had never left her village in the mountains. He said of his cousins \u200b\u200band their parties, birthdays, christenings. Twice a month at least there is a meeting for reasons families. He works with cartons of brandy. His nephews love it. And he looks for someone to meet and take a Chinese coffee and go through it where she says. For that he invited many women passing, if Unmarried respond.
speaks very well of himself. Worker could be. Watch too much TV, all that is. I like to dance salsa, cumbia and more. It's a family man himself. Many women might appreciate.
years ago found that he was an alcoholic and went to an AA meeting. He sat down and began meeting as an individual told him he was there because he was transformed with alcohol and raped women. He thought that was not so wrong to take from time to time and never returned to AA.
This told me that time in your car and in coffee that I finally accepted. Out of the car was small, barely remembered his glasses. He spoke quickly and a particular tone of the neighborhood, a man anxious to be friendly without really knowing how. Volume
taxis all the time. Site at night. Handsome cab drivers I've met, provisional, angry, older patients are more but I could be wrong. Are Queno know to get anywhere. Some carry their guide reddish. Others ask where to go. They have their routes.
taxi drivers I've met neat. Comosi pressed shirts were to sell stock or get clients. The taxi allowed to eat at home, go for their women, be aware of their children. Alejandro
weighs over: you get to the next family meeting with someone. who want it even more because it is no longer alone. Their desperation is touching. not pathetic. finally it is searching not only get to meetings. have to talk about when things do not work. have a history of failed love is better than nothing. should hate

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Kates Playground Vegas 3 Some

taxis predestination

two or three people. were cruel to me. I have all the apparatus of hate on. but for some reason does not work. not tuned to any station. I would absolutely right if he hated. in self-defense. Speak for myself. I get up and do not hit me again. but one is talking bla bla bla and another who makes his own obituary: nononooooo, not that. hatred involves intense exercise. long training and calculated.
Sometimes I live holds the remains of the idea of \u200b\u200bhate.
but not what I want.
anger is a rather enlightened humor. energy is reactivated. everyone knows that is not the same as hatred. hatred is the last color in the palette. Anger is warm water.
to hate does not require simplicity. lack of sense of humor. lack of smell. lack of open space.
lack of floral deodorant in the bathroom. eating with your fingers spicy chicken wings and sweet, floating in the fat of potato chips.
smell hatred is a condensate. not always detected. for the first time people confuse that with being in love.
told me today: do not know what to do with you. I'm slow in proportion to you. or not I knew from the start.
hate knowing things that nobody else knows. I hate the least intelligence to realize what happens for you without you suspect. I hate to meet you. I hate to know what will come out of your mouth before you see the idea formed in you. Hatred does not have the answer you deserve. I hate knowing that I deserve. which in effect say that I am too much, too fast. see. the world is behind us.
hate to know what's coming. hate note that you are incapable of looking stupid and note where you stand. knowing that you hate so much. I hate to throw the bed and I know in advance where this is going to be who I am. I hate to see the end of the story that began this way. I hate the last words I said. hate my weakness.
the device of repetition. still has limited impact. I give up. the shellfish poison is not turned on me yet. nothing touches me. I can think of any reason to hate but would be a farce: I'm delighted in the torture of adivinarte in poverty.

What Kind Of Batteries For My Camera


wires holding the moon is huge. resistant wires. holds up very fat. all of it is heaven. women, in turn, are afraid of being touched in the center of your support. want to masculinization, or whatever they understand why: to live without the drama of being women huddled in the discourse of mothers everlasting. mothers are as moons are held up so mysterious.
know young women with no years of being touched. not by themselves either. pure in its immaculate structure. mean immaculate spotless spot means no intention of leaving a trace that exceeds the minimum friction.
of all things should live without desire.
kill the animal that we have tied up, subject to bread and water and in public parking lots: a radius of two meters to go around: the dogs go crazy after a few days. the desire is domesticated animal.
live without it must be liberating. finally say: I can see everything and nothing wakes me anything. men are this happening but that's it. why no rush and start battles. We untouched
think things. without suspecting the skin or the texture or body odor. untouched, we can hope to buy apartments and be the kind that we have within maids willing to collect violets or cats in return leave us in peace. especially mothers. Spinsters
sugar. nephews grow up watching from afar. imagining the holidays with his body covered under a sun as the moon today. supported by its own mystery. Spinsters
answer the phone with a drawl and scattered. more acute for some reason voice of widows.
monalisa smile. only they know what they have back. in its backdrop. in the plot.
remember as a temporary desire. grateful that they lived and out of it. they are your best Sunday morning. sex is not everything. the body is not everything. the soul, the soul must be cared abruptly. is what makes us look at something behind. the soul does not need. not looking. is held in the table. crushes under the weight of impure thought but fleet remains.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Early Milena Velba Pic

tomography used to see the inner beauty

the roots of the teeth

can not see the drops of water leaking

the spirit of God moves

in three dimensions: a molar out of place

bones are not meat

hold a hanger body

can not see the words filtering

bruising, signs on the knees of his face that fell from the cold state

round as a coin is placed on the bare chest and helps to hear the pulse in
snoring machine screech life

intimacy has an outside

is predictable and is not cold query:
doctor get deals still in the narrow bed

then the dentist will put us with your feet up while waiting to nerves latexes

view well, smiling us fearless,
hidden soul very much in sensitized

called for various reasons we have God to

back until the body wall, where the machine
clothing and clap
ago we reached the edge material

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lessons For Dslr Camera

the pool area

was an element otherwise

breathed I was my

submarine ship air flowing

and the marches held

laughter nothing to stop them with nothing to lose

drooling dogs loose desprotegidamente

shoulders or ships or feet

that all water and returns to it becoming
otherwise top-down

or sky or sea or the land pale

making birth

addicts from the womb to suck your thumb and get carried away by the tides

not know sleeping in tents

regret exquisite sobriety at the time these days

or tears splashing pool

skin smells like chlorine skin becomes old after a few minutes
old man with calcified teeth
play the ball

so vivid that we fear
air shimmering water
small wounds on his face

positions in the

touches us and let us throw down the
we have to be other
because be the same does not fit anywhere

Monday, March 14, 2011

Prounounce How To Say Coton De Tulear

haggling begins. the gringo checks its dictionary but can not draw questions. focuses on reducing the rs. but can not. their language is purified of vowels and consonants sound like commands.
fed, place the hat. curses. touches his face and walks. sunny. exactly 32 degrees.
gets to live in a mild disposition of life. is not required. and is, most difficult of all, not to compare. compare it hurts, always. whatever. taller, bigger, more orderly.
find a place and having a beer. nobody is looking in particular. no plans.
no plans to tell the truth. As long as the money. and patience. and tone of the skin or the limb of boredom.
is a man. he knows that. where no one is missed, and if you leave here will be the same.
anyone ask instead what is left empty.
your bills paid. the car. maps. their entries in the books that deals with filling, notes the difference could call what he writes or says to himself.
by now tired of making friends. no interest.
your world is an old world, the Chinese now occupy the imagination and the market. the Far East is closer than ever. more participatory, more belligerent. Gringo
the move, but one thing is shocked old gringo it before aging. hat, white socks with tennis. half hip jeans. shirt with multiple pockets. his youth no matter it is a decadent.
learn to drink coffee and alcohol. feel is important to be out. feel that this is the adventure. need to be complete. how it is needed. feel that love again, feel that Oaxaca is a place of origin and arrival, the walls and the stones and the pyramids are a world of him, so to him as anyone.
but not stop thinking about California. so full of sun here. borders are absurd, pointing mienntras insists this and that.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Insurance Nud Audible Alarm

Mother Nature shows its power: Pray for Japan

Humanity is so busy in technological development only remembers the Mother Nature when it shows with the fury of power, while still living on the margin of their care and changes that regularly occur around us.

From the December 2004 disaster in Asia, which have followed on our side of the world others like Haiti, Chile and most recently New Zealand and now Japan, this tells us that there is no power so large as that of nature and in every way!

The earthquake and tsunami in Japan shows that humanity will never be prepared enough to foresee, much less avoid the effects of nature's fury, but we can find a way to live in harmony with it, trying to look after it and repeat it across your environment. Pray

JAPAN today has been seriously affected human and economic, as we that even remotely feel your pain and loss like ours. God protect us as well. AMEN

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Good Supplements For Spinal Stenosis

narrative narrative narrative

for health of mind I leave writing. the health of the mind of others, not mine, I should clarify. "Write or live? a question that does not have to answer or be in nature a boast or a dividend from the water. There are people who can not both. There are people who pursue the ideal of both and not catch any. vacuum turns himself and starts again. damage has been imposed: Entering he is not "in life" as we understand life: action. if you live in is not "allocated from reality" Understanding this as the year of becoming, the mental exercise, the abstract, so we understand how to live. between them, therefore there is a debate irrelevant, useless and that concerns us because it put a greater extent in some sites terms as Art, Art Feature, Scripture, and other words that are capitalized rather than imposing.
For health, I repeat, I stop doing this and I do not lead anywhere. I thought: I write, I am dedicated to public or not enjoy writing or public?. I have no readers, I am not readers. that life happens and some people have real momentum for not wanting to do anything.
want to live in a transcendence possible, now, action in others, toward others. Is this possible without writing? yes, absolutely.
can be without much, one can get used to being without the attention of others, not the world seen as outside world, of which the.
"writing is not to be? "Talk to the other makes more sense perhaps to write to the other in a game of distance and time that has nothing to do with direct contact, human, visible?
are in the dining room ready to cut meat. sit with us two or three people, an uncle, a cousin who just remember a father or mother. talk, ask wherever climate is not here. all well. The ghosts are not the places but the people who live there.
writing is talking to the ghosts that will be soon, and we already see now how we are making invisible or inauidibles in a sense this process slow and dangerous.
the mouth to the other is a fabric that serves as a fly. I imagine so.
choose to live.
but then I can not just live. if living is out of the house and remember being outside the house.
go to the book then and is a return. a never leave. does not help.
well, between two worlds there is another possible. cocacola

All About Anna Uncensored

to force me I shattered teeth. but that struck me. the real battle was on the other hand, the disease progressed through the arteries, climbed, danced, hopped for joy, gurgling cheerfully. After two months I stopped looking at things as they are, as I remember and I began to understand the world in silhouette and edges projections objects, such objects which never.
hair fell, nails, hands yellowed veins showed more than ever, as a visible mark.
A disease of the senses, they warned. No smell. Could not see properly. Taste buds are altered. The body in its infinite miracle is not always regenerates.
Therapy. Talk. Ask me questions. Yes No. Of course. That's how it started.
I speak. The healing.
If I say I saved. But I do not know what else they want to say. I have no traumatic memories. My voice is a vehicle opening.
I'm down the volume and tone. I have been emptying the words.
And I still have symptoms. And I'm sleeping 18 hrs and then full days without hitting the eye.
say not panic. Is something else. Neurolinguistic something. Mind-Talk. And I made a thread about me.
that lasted two years. As he arrived he was. I also do not say why. Mysteries of the body and the vast ignorance of science.
I was amazed at the capacity that we hold when we empty: we say that there is more. that can not be outside of us that is everything.
an animal was in the center of the idea: in the middle of the head, interrupted as an asterisk length, thickness, an idea formed. How the mind worked so hard to get the bug in question slipped something cold the wall that says who you are, what you want to be and what we do not know but it's there, sleeping a dream quite light, what we would both like to turn but could not understand. without the courage to recognize these animals are crossed by the objectives and plans and disrupt everything. In rare cases cause serious damage, damage to disruption of life even. And sometimes punitive damages last bear.

Salton Belgian Waffle Maker Cleaning


man of 30 looking for women of 25-35 years
thin, no children, lives near _________
believes in finding the love of his life
someone honest and who appreciates the good times submitted photo
when we can exchange ideas ________________

you will not regret it, I'm a good friend,
cheerful and I like dancing no sad moments

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pokemon Gold Silver Crystal Difference


was not the fruit that was
ate the flesh of the tree;
the branches bloomed in the sky without acknowledging


Alternatives To Valances

Concerto for Alto Saxophone and Orchestra: Welcome Bustamante CONSTANCE

This is my country ... .. Dominican Republic how cute!

MUSIC: Concerto for Alto Saxophone Master Bustamante Dominican Welcome!

IMAGES: Landscapes of the Dominican Republic!

MUSIC: Concerto for Alto Saxophone Master Bustamante Dominican Welcome!

IMAGES: Landscapes of the Dominican Republic!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Memory Card Reader Not Working Rb 539

eleven twelve thirteen

Come on, he said. Continue the swing of skins not melt, fold. We said again in a voice far more subtle, while waiting for your man or your wife to sit with you and never speak to you dearly as anyone
voice is unique. the voice of one we love. speech is the whole body. with ridges, flashing, with presence and spirit.
but love remains. continue is another way of being. to go overboard that we are, come from the water. kissing the water.
in the cup was seawater. looked at the bottom fauna. the waves regrettable. the storm.
anything either to move water.
his voice comes from afar and is hoarse. enbravecida. transformed.
no birds in the center of the trachea, there was an octopus and a tiny mandrake.
but was life after all.
in the wall of heaven.
and water returns. and the voice returns. and scope that we are osscurece.
day retreats are a river.
a tree that does not dance. a tree with no wind.
suspended on the edge water.
is Thursday. we do not at noon.
clarity just beginning to be intolerable. Sun Country clarity. Norse
miss this country from birth. they need. their skins as they shout: they lack.

as long
here everything is summer or embarrassment or traffic infernal howling horns

slowly lose our minds as if dripping tap

or hose nose is out of your body shake
inhale exhale

the end of the month a single breath
fall into the sea without cover our nose to absorb water best way

a last sip the fruit liquid
are gray inside you know that?
hardened stone / nursing every two hours / our child hanging breast / spore does not bleed / opens a voice from within: a place there without name / breast milk is the original water / water in infinite matter / immutable / but not / then appear in other outlets or minus mineral /
open mouth of a child in dreams perpetuating the act of sucking
then be awake
imagine I see it coming, I see the future clearly
boundaries of the skin are not infinite and it hurts
cut the arteries and leave us out of basic water

earth we get crazy and get this water only possible, multiple and full of a complete voice
this voice coming from somewhere / untitled / and floods everything and takes homes, farm animals, livestock, and swallows people / this voice insomniac who yawns before the days / and stalls on first attempt to pretend otherwise be able to
dove into the sea: nothing could scare

anything after we

anything after you anything after all

Ideas Funny Invocations


I like those women to ten o'clock in a cafe are

her lover and wearing heels and hair layered

snub noses about to go to work but take it easy and frothy cappuccino

his men help them
move on their heels and are owners of something fresh

bare-legged cross talk with pauses:
mostly listen and smile

what happened to them last night

do not know from week to have them working hours and loving flirty

be guided by the sidewalk, unhurried
soft nails,
there is nothing to defend

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How To Make A Horse Sledge

loved you would you would you have wanted

but there was none of these

scared us all before we approach the bird of prey

we lifted the curtain of air and dust

from one city to another without ships

communicate without separating
rivers without bridges that extend
no sunsets and horizons

alone would have been alone like no one else can be so accustomed

without understand the customs or other flow of breath

the same ways to break this silence mechanical

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Can You Legally Drink In A Rv

are we not all animals in a spirit of slime?
unwittingly or perhaps burning it, the rim of the glass and curved

cold without
story come to tell you:

this is also a long history of

fingers crossed hands that touch

and repeatedly did not answer the phone

my life consists of a feverish craving for beer some nights

hunger pangs and other things too;

this haze we not quarrelsome every corner wanting to see the other

gun until we throw ourselves