Saturday, March 19, 2011

Kates Playground Vegas 3 Some

taxis predestination

two or three people. were cruel to me. I have all the apparatus of hate on. but for some reason does not work. not tuned to any station. I would absolutely right if he hated. in self-defense. Speak for myself. I get up and do not hit me again. but one is talking bla bla bla and another who makes his own obituary: nononooooo, not that. hatred involves intense exercise. long training and calculated.
Sometimes I live holds the remains of the idea of \u200b\u200bhate.
but not what I want.
anger is a rather enlightened humor. energy is reactivated. everyone knows that is not the same as hatred. hatred is the last color in the palette. Anger is warm water.
to hate does not require simplicity. lack of sense of humor. lack of smell. lack of open space.
lack of floral deodorant in the bathroom. eating with your fingers spicy chicken wings and sweet, floating in the fat of potato chips.
smell hatred is a condensate. not always detected. for the first time people confuse that with being in love.
told me today: do not know what to do with you. I'm slow in proportion to you. or not I knew from the start.
hate knowing things that nobody else knows. I hate the least intelligence to realize what happens for you without you suspect. I hate to meet you. I hate to know what will come out of your mouth before you see the idea formed in you. Hatred does not have the answer you deserve. I hate knowing that I deserve. which in effect say that I am too much, too fast. see. the world is behind us.
hate to know what's coming. hate note that you are incapable of looking stupid and note where you stand. knowing that you hate so much. I hate to throw the bed and I know in advance where this is going to be who I am. I hate to see the end of the story that began this way. I hate the last words I said. hate my weakness.
the device of repetition. still has limited impact. I give up. the shellfish poison is not turned on me yet. nothing touches me. I can think of any reason to hate but would be a farce: I'm delighted in the torture of adivinarte in poverty.


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