Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lessons For Dslr Camera

the pool area

was an element otherwise

breathed I was my

submarine ship air flowing

and the marches held

laughter nothing to stop them with nothing to lose

drooling dogs loose desprotegidamente

shoulders or ships or feet

that all water and returns to it becoming
otherwise top-down

or sky or sea or the land pale

making birth

addicts from the womb to suck your thumb and get carried away by the tides

not know sleeping in tents

regret exquisite sobriety at the time these days

or tears splashing pool

skin smells like chlorine skin becomes old after a few minutes
old man with calcified teeth
play the ball

so vivid that we fear
air shimmering water
small wounds on his face

positions in the

touches us and let us throw down the
we have to be other
because be the same does not fit anywhere


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