Monday, March 21, 2011

Letter For Ending A Tenancy

taxis stories:

Alejandro invited me to dinner during a trip from my house to the bus terminal. She told me her life in twenty minutes. His philosophy of life (no driver who has not attained his philosophy of life). He talked about the directness and good man he is. Of the women who loved him and loved him. Just turned around to where it was, focused on traffic and the thread of his story.
did not go to college. He was married to a woman who hit him. He told me that once while he was asleep was awakened to blows with the broomstick, his face bleeding and weeping women, and repented of the outburst, he explained, "is you were not for me. "
Alejandro is also available to former lovers who call and ask to borrow money or to collect their children at two in the morning where they are spending the night.
I told the young wife his cousin who took a ride in the taxi home because the girl had never left her village in the mountains. He said of his cousins \u200b\u200band their parties, birthdays, christenings. Twice a month at least there is a meeting for reasons families. He works with cartons of brandy. His nephews love it. And he looks for someone to meet and take a Chinese coffee and go through it where she says. For that he invited many women passing, if Unmarried respond.
speaks very well of himself. Worker could be. Watch too much TV, all that is. I like to dance salsa, cumbia and more. It's a family man himself. Many women might appreciate.
years ago found that he was an alcoholic and went to an AA meeting. He sat down and began meeting as an individual told him he was there because he was transformed with alcohol and raped women. He thought that was not so wrong to take from time to time and never returned to AA.
This told me that time in your car and in coffee that I finally accepted. Out of the car was small, barely remembered his glasses. He spoke quickly and a particular tone of the neighborhood, a man anxious to be friendly without really knowing how. Volume
taxis all the time. Site at night. Handsome cab drivers I've met, provisional, angry, older patients are more but I could be wrong. Are Queno know to get anywhere. Some carry their guide reddish. Others ask where to go. They have their routes.
taxi drivers I've met neat. Comosi pressed shirts were to sell stock or get clients. The taxi allowed to eat at home, go for their women, be aware of their children. Alejandro
weighs over: you get to the next family meeting with someone. who want it even more because it is no longer alone. Their desperation is touching. not pathetic. finally it is searching not only get to meetings. have to talk about when things do not work. have a history of failed love is better than nothing. should hate


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