Saturday, March 12, 2011

Insurance Nud Audible Alarm

Mother Nature shows its power: Pray for Japan

Humanity is so busy in technological development only remembers the Mother Nature when it shows with the fury of power, while still living on the margin of their care and changes that regularly occur around us.

From the December 2004 disaster in Asia, which have followed on our side of the world others like Haiti, Chile and most recently New Zealand and now Japan, this tells us that there is no power so large as that of nature and in every way!

The earthquake and tsunami in Japan shows that humanity will never be prepared enough to foresee, much less avoid the effects of nature's fury, but we can find a way to live in harmony with it, trying to look after it and repeat it across your environment. Pray

JAPAN today has been seriously affected human and economic, as we that even remotely feel your pain and loss like ours. God protect us as well. AMEN


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