Thursday, April 21, 2011

Create My Own Wrestler

recovered the smile (or "Bureaucracy" ate his Lettuce planted in Camiri) Award

1. One day on Wednesday. First, cut the electricity at home, rather it was then that I noticed a shower. Later, my computer at work has problems with internet connection and be aware of the reconnection, I forget to take the recorder to an interview I had to write as secretary stenographer, but saved the step. Lunch at ease, I move to wear to the stadium and between 14:30 and 19:30 dispatched, with my partner found three pages that touch us, meanwhile, has missed the boat in Seville and I pay two bets. I get to the stadium when the game has started, I put in the long line to enter with a credit-control manual is a nightmare, and when you reach the door I say that I raised my card last year ... Way to the ticket booth, ask a man who buys me a ticket because that row is also long, I get my ticket and finally! I'm in the temple Miraflores. When I sit next to my family, my brand Citizen trucho 20:20. I lost at least 15 minutes game.

2. Néstor Craviotto eleventh proposes that the bat is not: Daniel Vaca, Enrique Parada, Delio Ojeda, Luis Méndez and Fedeerico Garcia (Captain); Nelvin Soliz, Leonel Reyes, Alejandro Chumacero and Regis De Souza, Luis Melgar and Cristian Ruiz . The referee is Alejandro Mancilla, supported by Maurice and Robert Alvarado Villarroel.

3. Minute 25, the center of Choco Chumacero-who plays his anniversary party, "and saves header Melgar Hugo Chila Suárez. 27 minutes, another center, this time commanded by Pepe Garcia and Ruiz headed over. My cousin Mayck bitching starts: with these poles East has in its rear-regards Alejandro Schiaparelli and 6 - we will not ever reach the top. As the Animal Addles, injured, is neither on the bench, has some logic. 29 minutes tops Marcelo Aguirre from 30 yards and the ball hits the crossbar. The few fans who live on campus is at the northern end of the General do buri.

4. Minute 31, Joselito Vaca shot from outside the area, but the shot is very soft. 33 minutes, Reyes does the same in the penalty area: the whimsical leaves near the bottom left corner of the southern arc. 34 minutes stop sends a cross from the right, but nobody gets to splice. Minute 39, De Souza, one of his worst games, although they are already at least three walks in his game a pauper-level enters the area from the left and ends, but Suarez sends a corner kick. Minute 41, Choco test from the right corner of the penalty area, clears Chila, collects and focuses De Souza: Ruiz's header over the porch. Minute 46, passed from the left center, picks up De Souza, Reyes refocused and the slaps, almost licking out the bottom right of Suarez.

5. From the previous day I spent bothering "Face-book." Put it: "Recruiting for tomato and avocado salad with oriental Lettuce." The replicas of my friends once purslane not left waiting. "Beware that you're choking on the seed of the avocado," said Pablo Ortiz. Jorge Arturo Lora puts it: "Beware the avocado seed is big, if you move from the choking, the other way out should not hurt." At the end of the day, the sore is another.

6. Restart the same 22 stocks. In the meantime it sits next to me Jorge Jove, longtime friend and colleague, former leader tabby, who suffers as much or more than me. Minute 52, Melgar takes it out and shot from outside the area, but Smith deflects to the corner. Minute 58, Percy Colque debut in this tournament, the so I think, and replaced the boos De Souza. Return home to hear their complaints about the taunts of the public, if a player can not take it, take some time to other things.

7. GOOOOL DEL TIGRE. stop sending yet another cross from the right, behind East is undermined, I have no idea where he is the blond-Schiaparelli, Ruiz header and crossed the ball down and school was Suarez, who flies for the photo. Break out almost 11 thousand people the warm tonight Siles. Minute 59.

8. 67 minutes, Reyes played with Colquhoun and native Chojlla mine takes a shot to be about five meters from the bottom right corner of the porch north. 69 minutes, Luis Cristaldo replaces Ruiz, who apparently was injured in a previous move. The ovation shudders. Craviotto want / should plug because East has been a raid, but totally disorganized, and our defense seems composed of K buses, all run behind the ball.

9. 77 minutes, Nelvin Soliz, who is not the edgy, last year, gives way in the field Rodrigo Ramallo. Minute 85, backlash Tigre: Cristaldo empty what is left of the green defense, passing it the field opens to Colquhoun, who enters into the area from the right and pulls out a diagonal shot. The Chila Suarez da rebound and Ramallo, just in front of the porch, the center sends a Masita the East goal as the fat gets caught going to meet his body. Minute 90, Ramallo tries from afar. Schiaparelli then makes a violent failure that the judge charged, in retaliation, at the end of the game are sent insults and avoiding the other players will get to touch. Is almost the least important: that just beat the pointer.

10. The day started badly, but could not close better. We went hoarse, Jorge still scrapie nerves and my family with hands on cell phones, annoying acquaintances East squad that has four games without a win in the league. I try to do it then but takes me: In a number I answer someone who does not know, and i do not listen well, but says it is "live", the other not even deign to reply.

11. We are second, at least for a few hours or weekend if floripondio give us a hand tonight. On Sunday we visited in Trinidad Real Mamore, apparently at 14:00. I hope I can follow a path. For now, although I do not participate in the celebrations, very good start of Holy Week.



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