Wednesday, August 11, 2010

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Catalina Island (also called by the local Indians as Toey) is located to the southeast (in the Caribbean Sea) only 2 kilometers from the province of La Romana and La Altagracia (to which it belongs) and is part of the territory of the Dominican Republic. Has an approximate area of \u200b\u200b9.6 square kilometers but has no permanent population happens to the Saona Island, has a security staff for protection.

Submarine Museum "VIVO"
has diverse natural beauty, and in the surrounding waters are home to several species of birds and fish. The island was named by the explorer Christopher Columbus on his journey through the area in May 1494. Catalina Island is that it also has its history! Frederick Hanselmann

Recently, archaeological research at the University of Indiana and after the announcement of the discovery made by some divers in around Catalina Island found what they believed to be the wreck of the Merchant Cara French, which Captain Kidd assaulted with a cargo of gold. After studies, Hanselmann confirmed in principle that it was something historically valuable and that seemed the wreck of the Merchant Cara, wood was the type Terca with boats that were manufactured at the time.

Indiana University in its bulletin on the discovery, asserts that the news comes months after the unexpected discovery of teak wood on the site of the shipwreck of Captain Kidd, a discovery which archaeologists say IU confirms that these are the remains of Cara Merchant, the ship commanded by Captain William Kidd and then abandoned by him in 1699.

area is protected by the State:
By government order, was declared a protected area by Order 305-95, including 233-96 in the decree, whose content was confirmed in the General Law 64-00 of August 18 2000. Protection includes Catalina Island and the surrounding marine strip, which extends from the coastline to 500 meters offshore. This polygon encloses an area of \u200b\u200b22 km2.
This area has a manager and two rangers to carry out the surveillance and control program.
CATALINA ISLAND ECOTOURISM. This island is a paradise for those who enjoy hallmark of the tropics, miles of white sandy beach, crystal clear waters and coconut trees. Low cliffs and rocky surface flat areas are some of the identifying characteristics of the natural environment.

The absence of fresh water, low rainfall and salinity of the sea shape the vegetation of Catalina Island, making it a dry forest. Plants such as nursery, canoe, and bankruptcy uvero ax are some of the existing tree varieties. In the coastal area, the grapes of beach and mangrove frame this tiny place.
Although the tourist attraction of Catalina Island's beaches, also a refuge for biodiversity where many birds and small mammals inhabit this place. From June to October, come to nest on these beaches hawksbill. "Just seeing them out of the sand towards the sea really makes my job worthwhile," So spoke one of the rangers. "

For diving enthusiasts, the great variety of fish and coral reefs provide a unique visual spectacle, still clear, the submarine museum now pirate ships as the Merchant Cara!

For those who like outdoor activities, explore different paths of the island can be an option.

In this part of the country, eco-tourism and live together harmoniously. The local and foreign tourists visiting Catalina Island conscious, enjoy the beach but it respects the natural environment. There is no hotel accommodation, but has facilities to provide food, soft drinks and various amenities for the sla all day! Guest

cruises and hotels in the region tend to be the most visitors to the island, in addition to the Dominicans who make domestic tourism.
Getting to Catalina Island
This almost triangular refuge can be accessed through the sea on a catamaran and / or other types of boats that sail from La Romana province tourist resource. The tour is about 2 km, with a duration of aproximadamentea between 20 to 30 minutes.
Catalina Island in the Dominican Republic is a paradise where white sand beaches, its clear waters, its plants in tall coconut trees and brightly colored houses facing beaches make it a jewel of natural beauty to the world !


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