Friday, April 10, 2009

Burbon Barrels For Sale

Montecristi is a city located in the lowlands Coastal, in the western part of the fertile Cibao Valley, northwest of the Dominican Republic, near the mouth of the Yaque del Norte River. Founded in 1506, Monte Cristi was destroyed in 1606 for participating in illegal trade with the pirates, was not rebuilt until 1756. Now is an important transportation hub of business, its main trade is rice, cotton, coffee, bananas and goats for their hides and skins which constitute one of its main exports through the port adjacent. Monte Cristi is where the highway ends Duarte and has an airfield.
El Morro is a English term meaning "rock or piece of land", this word takes the name the most notorious and prominent geographical feature of the whole northwest coast.
Separated from the mainland by the waterway network of pipes within the Montecristi National Park, El Morro is a separate homeland. Its 239 meters high point as one of the larger cays of the Dominican Republic and his impressive form on the horizon is projected over the Bay of Manzanillo, which with the advance of time has become one of the landscapes known and most distinctive scenic country. Some say that this mountain range plunges into the Atlantic and becomes what is the Sierra Maestra of Cuba. In the Antilles there are many things in common!
En route to Spain, Columbus to pass these costs was so impressed that he named it Mount of Christ or Monte Cristi, where today the name of common header and by extension, the province takes its name.
El Morro now identifies not only the province and the capital municipality of San Fernando de Montecristi, but also the characteristic symbol of the entire line northwest. He is also called the "sleeping dromedary" because like a camel lying down.
addition to El Morro, MONTECRISTY has other attractions such as: the town clock was installed in 1895 and works to date, the House of Maximo Gomez, where they signed the famous manifesto to fight the José Martí independence of Cuba, eat the best "goat stew" of the country commonly called the "goat lineman," the famous Salt MONTECRISTY, the remains of the great progress in the region at the beginning of the XVIth XX Pepillo in the city of Salcedo and more!


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