Sunday, July 27, 2008

Red Bridge Rb-539 Not Working

Cali, 1910. ALOUD readings. July 25, 2008 JULY AGENDA

Birthday Celebration 98
Aloud - Literature Master.
Topic: The City in 1910
(Year of foundation of the Library)
Special guests to read:
Leonor Fernández Riva and Carlos Galves
Event Logs: Texts (forthcoming), video (partial) and photographs.
Click on images to enlarge. Click on "Back" on the toolbar to return to here.
Photo: María Isabel Homes NTC ...

Library Exterior
Avenida Colombia, 4 West Street, Corner
Cali, 472 years
Monica Vivas, Cultural Advisor of the Library, introduced the event and readers:
Leonor Fernández Riva and Carlos Galves
. Table

Paola Maldonado Library Director, and Monica Vivas, Cultural Advisor.
Framers of the event. ----

Readers: Leonor Fernández Riva and Carlos Galves
VIDEO from reading, in: (<--- Click)
. Leonor Fernández Riva Read.

room. Atmosphere



Auditorium, table
readers and general ambience.
Toast to Cali, the Library and the event

Departed: Carlos Galves, Paola Maldonado and Leonor Fernandez Riva
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ON CALI around 1910
From: Industrial and business Cali. HISTORY COLOMBIAN INDUSTRY BETWEEN 1886 TO 1930 (Excerpt) By CAROLINA FONSECA GAITÁN
City Santiago de Cali, capital of Valle del Cauca department, which is situated at the foot of the western mountains, was in the early twentieth century a quiet town, the course of time this small town has grown to become the city it is today.
In early 1900 , Cali was a pastoral village, crafts, 30,740 inhabitants, told by the Prefect, who had no metal aqueduct and should take the public water batteries, like those of Crespo, The Rock, Santa Rosa and King, in the center, and were lit with candles, stearic and tallow candles lit on winter evenings with lucifer matches. In 1903 the winter was so intense that the Cauca River has flooded large areas of land and destroyed considerable plantations, and its rushing stream several people have drowned, as reported by the press then alarmed at newspapers as rail, Day, Correo del Cauca and La Opinion.
On 3 January 1906 when five thousand people attended the first sail of the trip of steam Sucre from the Bridge of Commerce, in an attempt to restore navigation on the Cauca region, has told the historian Germain Patiño Ossa, and in 1910 tram was inaugurated between quality and Puerto Mallarino.
One night that year, 1910, residents of the city ten lamps were lit light that filled the Plaza Mayor was put into operation the first hydro plant of 150 kilowatts, by Cali Electric Light Company and Power. If the surprise of 1910 was capitalized tram, the first car 1913 was no less. A car, brand Reo, Don Jorge Zawadsky, was the first to roll down the streets between riot presumably wonder.
One night that year, 1910, residents of the city ten lamps were lit light that filled the Plaza Mayor was put into operation the first hydro plant of 150 kilowatts, the company Cali Electric Light and Power . Also in 1910, Pope Pius X created the Diocese of Santiago de Cali, which became independent of the religious center of Popayan. Just one year earlier in 1909 , had created a new department of Valle del Cauca, and Cali had been designated the capital.
The following year, parents of young Cali witness history, and fourteen years, may have been some of the 38 initial subscribers who used the services of the first telephone company was born in the city, with seating for five hundred users. A telephone call was then made so strange and wonderful as watching out clean water from a faucet in the home, what happened in 1916 for the first time in Cali, with the aqueduct of San Antonio.
On 12 January 1915 attended the inauguration of the Pacific Railroad. For the people was simply being connected Cali to New York. Indeed, in August 1914 had been serving the Panama Canal the railway to Buenaventura, a colossal work conceived in 1852 by General Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera, and one could travel without interruption Cali - Buenaventura - Panama - New York.
The department's budget grew from 31,000 pesos in 1910 to 134,370 pesos in 1916. 1921
In the first plane landed in a pasture near Puerto Mallarino, in the northeast, the first plane to land here was a biplane piloted by the Italian aviator Ferruchio Guichardi, veteran of the First World War.
to 1928, the year of the Great Depression, the city was placed in the path of progress, coffee prices and gold sustained the economy in these years, while prices were falling banana and oil. Cali was held with coffee and sugar. Its industry was nascent and barely went on to become such since the art forms of production. Coffee threshers were an example of the first glimpse of agricultural industry and sugar mills began the process of agribusiness. In 1926 construction began on the road to the sea , which ended twenty years later. The major industrial establishment of tissue, the warranty in the twenties was seventy-eight employees, German Brewery Los Andes, seventy; Typography Carvajal, thirty, Typography Palau, Velásquez y Cia., Thirty; Soft Posada Tobon, thirty, and Foundry Diaz Brothers, thirty. These were, in 1925, the six largest manufacturers of Cali. But there were also Cigarettes The Sun, Ice Factory U. Llorente, A. Thresher Vallejo, A. Tissue Cigarettes Dishington and Ideals.
The economic boom of the twenties did change the face of the city built many notable buildings, including Hotel Alferez Real and the Teatro Municipal (1927) and saw entire neighborhoods appear as the San Fernando. The square footage increased from 16,162 built in 1923, 160,454 meters square in 1928.
In 1938 , Cali was a city of 101,883 inhabitants, not even remotely blamed the problems of growth that would come later, and acted as head of the zone with a group of citizens of sustainable development which balanced regional development. Thus, Palmira, Tulua, Buga, Cartago and Buenaventura did not stay behind in offering services and employment opportunities, so that pressure on the provincial capital was not contentious. The forties
Cali scored in a positive growth rate, reported the emergence of new companies such as Pacific Croydon, Cementos del Valle, Punto Sport, Tecnoquímicas and Alotero, created in the mid to late thirties but strong impact in the decade. In December 1941 there were 676 companies registered at the Chamber of Commerce of Cali, and sticking the cement, beer, cigarettes, textiles and sugar. The maximum number of industrial establishments founded in 1944 with 101 recorded, which shows the momentum of the Cali for work. Between 1940 and 1952 were registered 93 industrial plants in Cali. In 1953 there were 1,300 companies, fifty of them foreign. Valley Manufacturing output that year was $ 669,771,697, of which $ 398,730,816 were for Cali. Nearly 27% was food, 13.8% percent in textiles, 10.3% in footwear and clothing, and 9 percent respectively for chemicals and beverages. Bank deposits were higher by that time Colombia in Cali.
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History Santiago de Cali (fragment) (That full)
From the beginning of the century city kept in order of erection: The convent of La Merced Church (restored 1688), the Chapel of San Antonio (1647), part of the Temple of San Pedro (XVII century and enlarged in 1733), now Metropolitan Cathedral, La Casa de La Hacienda Cañasgordas (XVIII century), La Torre Mudejar (second half XVIII century), El Convento de Misiones de San Joaquín de Cali (second half XVIII century) and San Francisco's Temple (built by Fr.Pedro Herrera between 1803 and 1827 .) That population of fewer than 20,000 inhabitants, has become the most populous city in 1993 amounted to 1,788,456 inhabitants and covers 11,166 hectares. ... "

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Steam navigation on the river Cauca & id = 446 & Itemid = 5 & limit = 1 & limitstart = 0

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Pacific Railroad (1872-1927)
was begun in 1878 construction that sought to link Cali with the Pacific Ocean off the port of Buenaventura. opened in 1882-Córdoba Buenaventura section that included the reconstruction of the bridge Pinal, three years later, the nation took its construction was suspended in 1899 by the War of a Thousand Days. In this period the work went forward so slowly that average built a mile per year.
In 1909 the railroad arrived in Dagua, three years later Yumbo and Cali in 1915. A year later opened in Juanchito the famous swing bridge over the river Cauca, and so was extended: Palmira (1917), Tulua (1920), Bugalagrande (1922), and Carthage (1923). Of this line and from the village of El Zarzal lasted until Armenia (1927) to communicate in the path of the line by a road with the railway of Tolima.
In addition, in 1914 from Cali to Popayan spread they finally arrived in 1925. For 1930, the Pacific Railroad was the largest and most developed in the country. In 1940 he became a division of the National Railways, two years later was spliced \u200b\u200bwith that of Antioquia and in 1959 accounted for Railway Caldas. ----


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Film Archive Heritage Valley

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POETS IN CALI by alrdedores, 1910 ....


1,800 1,825 1,850 1,875 1,900 1,925 1,950 1,975 2000

Jorge Isaccs
1837 Cali - ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .1.895 Ibague Ricardo Nieto

Palmira 1878 - ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. Cali 1952 Carlos Villafane

Roldanillo 1882 - ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,959 Roldanillo (?)

Antonio Llanos
1905 Cali - ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,978

Octavio Gamboa-Cali 1923 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Cali

1995 --- Prepared: NTC ... May 9, 2007 for the TV show "Rendezvous with Rafa Rafael Araujo Gamez. Recorded May 12, 2007
1 .- "Poetics of the disaster. A critical approach to the poetry of Valle del Cauca. " Julián Malatesta, Dept. of the valley and UV, 1 ª. Ed May 2000
2 .- "Atlas poetic Colombia. VALLEY. " FICA, Gerardo Rivas Moreno, 1st Edition April 1994
3 .- "Poetry in the Valle del Cauca" Prologue and Octavio Gamboa selection (one of the PARK) 1986. With input from ASOCAÑA. ---

Further details and information on the P of P, see:
NTC ... 263, June 27, 2006 numeral 8 , http://parquedelospoetas-cali . / Hence : The project: a park with twelve sculptures, of which only came to light that we see today.
still waiting in the Parnassus, Isaiah and Matthew Gamboa, Eustaquio Palacios, Mario Carvajal Gilberto Garrido, Enrique Uribe White and Martan Helcias Góngora, the latter adopted son of Cali and author of the Cali anthem.

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Cali celebrates 472 years in large

El Pais - Cali Colombia cali Happy Birthday! Cali, a young ...

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updated: NTC ... / gra , July 27, 2008


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