Thursday, February 24, 2011

Memory Card Reader Not Working Rb 539

eleven twelve thirteen

Come on, he said. Continue the swing of skins not melt, fold. We said again in a voice far more subtle, while waiting for your man or your wife to sit with you and never speak to you dearly as anyone
voice is unique. the voice of one we love. speech is the whole body. with ridges, flashing, with presence and spirit.
but love remains. continue is another way of being. to go overboard that we are, come from the water. kissing the water.
in the cup was seawater. looked at the bottom fauna. the waves regrettable. the storm.
anything either to move water.
his voice comes from afar and is hoarse. enbravecida. transformed.
no birds in the center of the trachea, there was an octopus and a tiny mandrake.
but was life after all.
in the wall of heaven.
and water returns. and the voice returns. and scope that we are osscurece.
day retreats are a river.
a tree that does not dance. a tree with no wind.
suspended on the edge water.
is Thursday. we do not at noon.
clarity just beginning to be intolerable. Sun Country clarity. Norse
miss this country from birth. they need. their skins as they shout: they lack.

as long
here everything is summer or embarrassment or traffic infernal howling horns

slowly lose our minds as if dripping tap

or hose nose is out of your body shake
inhale exhale

the end of the month a single breath
fall into the sea without cover our nose to absorb water best way

a last sip the fruit liquid
are gray inside you know that?
hardened stone / nursing every two hours / our child hanging breast / spore does not bleed / opens a voice from within: a place there without name / breast milk is the original water / water in infinite matter / immutable / but not / then appear in other outlets or minus mineral /
open mouth of a child in dreams perpetuating the act of sucking
then be awake
imagine I see it coming, I see the future clearly
boundaries of the skin are not infinite and it hurts
cut the arteries and leave us out of basic water

earth we get crazy and get this water only possible, multiple and full of a complete voice
this voice coming from somewhere / untitled / and floods everything and takes homes, farm animals, livestock, and swallows people / this voice insomniac who yawns before the days / and stalls on first attempt to pretend otherwise be able to
dove into the sea: nothing could scare

anything after we

anything after you anything after all

Ideas Funny Invocations


I like those women to ten o'clock in a cafe are

her lover and wearing heels and hair layered

snub noses about to go to work but take it easy and frothy cappuccino

his men help them
move on their heels and are owners of something fresh

bare-legged cross talk with pauses:
mostly listen and smile

what happened to them last night

do not know from week to have them working hours and loving flirty

be guided by the sidewalk, unhurried
soft nails,
there is nothing to defend

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How To Make A Horse Sledge

loved you would you would you have wanted

but there was none of these

scared us all before we approach the bird of prey

we lifted the curtain of air and dust

from one city to another without ships

communicate without separating
rivers without bridges that extend
no sunsets and horizons

alone would have been alone like no one else can be so accustomed

without understand the customs or other flow of breath

the same ways to break this silence mechanical

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Can You Legally Drink In A Rv

are we not all animals in a spirit of slime?
unwittingly or perhaps burning it, the rim of the glass and curved

cold without
story come to tell you:

this is also a long history of

fingers crossed hands that touch

and repeatedly did not answer the phone

my life consists of a feverish craving for beer some nights

hunger pangs and other things too;

this haze we not quarrelsome every corner wanting to see the other

gun until we throw ourselves

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Fridge Freezer Is Not Cold

set up the sweet duck

a sweet in the mouth around his love embraces only the center of the tongue on the palate decide
break before dying

the clashing teeth and saliva is a different,
a dual nature: it comes from one side but on the other hand stirred happens

where the child comes across the street to me,
sells candy in a plastic bag.

toothless smiles smiles all happy about something that does not touch me.

the street is this: if one is quietecito
may notice dust, slow bone bed
humor that we're full.

my soul is a cheese sandwich, melted through the walls of bread,
located in the strategy of surrender.

it to see the other day on the street and take me by
you covered me not to sleep, thus
yours to make pompous statements which are nothing
each other:
fate puts us in front
not we move arms, teeth, seething walls of the tongue.

many ways to live my heaven,
condoms are now dry items optimism.
the wonder of what we will, loving to
far beyond come to see
a certain order of the species low in sodium, sugar free,
GM, lactose free, low in fat: a species perhaps more free and healthy, safe touch and eye,
without caffeine if possible;

love with shoes,
always willing to touch us no more or get to the core

or anger that we leave for ourselves when no one sees us
and sound enraptured
murmur of desire.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Inexpensive Slr Women Camera Bags


there was a swan. was a common duck. that commonly croaked.
there was an angel. was the same duck on the water, smoothing the common wing.
there was a tree. animal was the same shade of looking, making poor daffodil.

had no voice. other accents throat, practicing his French duck.
is altered little, and lives off crumbs.

squints and looks away. a small forest.
a park. a lake. a stretch of water.

a blow to the distance of something falling. A window was broken.
or a car that is impacted. or all at once that happens.

there was no had a moon. was like nothing the world.
impersonal or afternoon or night, or anything else.

city lights. in the distance. pond water. crumbs. an empty stage. if once the forest had come to say what. if once the park in the middle of a dark room. if once the mother believing fervently in their ugly ducks. if once the duck or swan. or jaguar walking in a cell of 8 x 8. animals built to run and hunt at night and eat meat. located elsewhere if not in it. the poverty of the beasts.

saw a black panther. I saw completely eye. stuck in my eye for several days. but she does not stop there. its body is long and soft. her hair commercial shampoo. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to touch his skin.
as usual. out of this world was the look.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Does Drinking Cause Black Stools


entered the house, does not know the owner of our arrival and we see in his eyes that gave off that we were there, witnessing his house with no time to pick it up. We try not to look at the walls, stacked objects, beds crammed into the same room. The musty smell of unfinished chores. The owner eats and lowers her eyes, we know that you do not see the plate. and do: see the plate.
want to say something. anything. not hungry for hours.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How Do Anorexics Do It?i Get So Dizzy

report you.
230 pages.
unimportant details. descriptions landscapes and skin tones. eyes so-so.
used to run in the morning soaked in sweat fasting counting the houses that were spending, they expect you to return. business rose curtains. premiered bakeries smell again. is drinking coffee at the corners.
wearing glasses. are defective. but want to stray dogs. February
windy and the skies are often more blue and clear.
you love to write a book called These skies. would be your heaven. hanging above you loose fabric and vibrant. the fabric above it contains something that can not see. Trees burst
sidewalks. Open Veins from inside the city. the city has a lonely heart, made of letters of timely notice, lonely people looking for someone and is offered for serious.
parricides have a separate cell. some are kind: a kindly held with tweezers. their expressions are balanced, peaceful.