Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Iron Vitamins For Silky Hair

POLO is a municipality in the province of Barahona in the southwest Dominican Republic, known for its green mountains and tall and good production of fine coffee. The small town of Polo is also known to have magnetic pole (magnetic pole), an area of \u200b\u200bthe EL on a mountain near the village.

The weather is cool and very pleasant, surrounded by green mountains and several pobladitos in their "skirts."

MAGNETIC POLE: What is it?
To explain with mere words is as follows:
If a vehicle stops at the right place, and placed in neutral lever down, the vehicle appears to roll up the hill but notes that it is reverse. This is a type of optical illusion known as GRAVITY HILL which is caused by the shape of the hill and surrounding landscape. Watch videos
Magnetic Pole in this blog.