Sunday, March 22, 2009

Acrostic Poems Camels

is the largest of the Dominican Republic and the Antilles (Caribbean Region) with its 265 km ² while the area is not constant. Its waters are shared by the provinces and Bahoruco Independence, part of the National Park and Island Lake Enriquillo Kids and Biosphere Reserve jaragua-Bahoruco-Enriquillo. Images of wildlife, flora and rich history around Lake ENRIQUILLO , are just a sample of the ecological riches of this region!

Enriquillo Lake is located approximately 44 meters below sea level. The lake level ranges due to strong evaporation in the area, which is not compensated simultaneously by rain and runoff of surface waters of the basin as well as due to the rains of hurricanes and overflowing rivers. In 1990, he was at 34 feet below sea level while in 1979 reached almost 46 m below sea level.
salinity Enriquillo Lake (one of the few salt in the world) is greater than the sea and the variation depends mainly on evaporation. At the bottom of the lake's northern peaks has been found to exceed 66 ppm (parts per million) in the background, making the lake is hypersaline. The temperature throughout the area is relatively high, ranging between 27 and 28 degrees Celsius even to 36 º C. Rainfall is low because the lake is in a dry area. Average annual rainfall is 500 mm which is concentrated in two periods: from May to June and September-October.
The three islands are also under the sea level. Kids Island is the largest (12 x 2.2 km), elongated. The other two islands are Barbarita (also known locally as "Chiquita") and Islita. Prolonged droughts, these islands, especially the last two peninsulas being able to become reach them on foot.
Its fauna is very diverse and interesting, especially reptiles and birds. Among birds, one of the most striking is the Flamenco. Among the reptiles are the two species of iguana, the rhinoceros iguana and iguana Ricord. There is also the American crocodile population in the lake which is one of the largest in the world in the wild. It is an endangered species in the country, leaving only this population and the other having disappeared. It feeds on fish such as tilapia.
The surrounding vegetation and island are typical of dry forest, except in places where mangroves are common. The cacti (The Cactus) are common as well as Guayacan trees, Mesquite or Cambrón among others.
Kids Island is the only dry forest hiperxerofítico that exists under the sea level in the Americas. The highest part of the island kids is 5 m below sea level.
Around the Lake Enriquillo there is what is possibly the only pre-Columbian natural museum in the country, which is a set of indigenous petroglyphs called "The Caritas" in where there are many pictures on walls and caves of the region, since there is also an excellent view of the lake with its islands. Knowing these places is an excellent experience, especially for families and adventurous people!

ENRIQUILLO AROUND THE LAKE: An exciting adventure travel!
The panoramic journey "around the lake enriquillo" needs a minimum of 2 days to enjoy the region and stay overnight in Barahona, a city south of the Dominican Republic.
leave the city of Santo Domingo (the capital) through the inter provincial South highway that starts in San Cristotal early, within 3 hours we reach the crossing Cabral. The perimeter of the lake is approximately 60 kilometers of road, arid and a radical change to green at each resort, through the villages, Cachon, Cabral, The List, Salinas (where the salt and gypsum mine in the country) that leads toward the lake. One stop on this tour is in the resort's fly-Zurs water which they say is highly medicinal. The tour includes visits to the cities of Duverge, Jimani (town bordering Haiti) where you find an active trade between the two countries. The next place to enjoy the spa Boca de Cachon fresh and crystalline water. The next stop will be in the village of La Discovered where there are restaurants and spas as well. From there you have several options: 1) make the observatory iguanas 2) take a boat on Lake Nature Navy, Dominicans call it "YOLA" to take you to visit the islands exist within Lake Enriquillo and the whole ecological environment of the place. Lake Enriquillo
take the road to the city of Neyba, visiting on this tour the resorts of Las Barias, Las Marias and several villas Dominican offering crafts and typical products of the area. The climate and vegetation change as you walk villages. Neyba is the area of \u200b\u200bthe vineyards Dominicans and cassava and other regional products. Neyba turn to Galvan and other towns that live off the sugar industry, reaching the Cross of Palo Alto where we meet with the South interprovincial highway. The recommendation is to go to sleep there Barahona besides enjoying the local food which is excellent in seafood of all kinds, besides the beauty of the pier, nightlife and its people.
next day if you want more adventure, there's nothing to leave for South panoramic road to the beaches of San Rafael and / or ducks. There you will have beautiful beaches besides the wonderful mouth of the Rio Yaque del Sur into a natural pool-spa on the beach. The Southwest region is not perhaps one of the richest in ecotourism in the Dominican Republic.
* Some data from Wikipedia
* Experience personal trips to Lake

Monday, March 9, 2009

Penthouse Free Reading

seems not to bury the high voltage works

We have received very disturbing information regarding the development which will be carried out in our neighborhood. It appears that confirms the worst: burying only low voltage, but not high. In addition it appears that they will make a children's play park right next to the pylon. The box is put to the underground but is not the same.

Ringworm Will Not Heal

Awarded to access the campus

A roundabout and a new road will improve access to North and South Campus of Espinardo, says the city of Murcia. Text
