Monday, June 2, 2008

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Climbing Pico Duarte is a challenge for any risky adventure that we like and enjoy nature. Nestled on the beautiful heights of the Cordillera Central of Dominican Republic is 3.098 foot Pico Duarte. Brief History

The Pico Duarte was allegedly first climbed by Sir Robert H. Schomburgk, British consul in the country in 1851. He called the mountain with the name of Monte Tina and estimated its height at 3.140 m. In 1912, Father Miguel Fuertes considered Schomburgk calculations were not correct after the Rusilla up and say that this was the highest in the island. A year later, the Swedish botanist Erik L. Ekman considered the data from English quel was more accurate, referring to the sisters mountains Pelona Pelona Grande and Chica. During the era of Trujillo, was called to the highest summits Pico Trujillo, which was later changed to the current name of Pico Duarte. Geography

Pico Duarte Pico Duarte and La Pelona are two twin peaks. According to some existing topographic sheets of the two peaks are the same height, however, altimeter measurements show that the Pelona is several feet below the height of Pico Duarte. Until the early years of this century, two peaks were called The Pelona, \u200b\u200bdistinguishing Pelona Pelona Grande and Chica. The Grande was christened Pelona Pico Trujillo in the 30's. After the death of the dictator Trujillo was given its present name, Pico Duarte.

The straight distance between the peaks of Pico Duarte and La Pelona is 1 ½ km. The peaks are divided by the Vallecito de Lilís, with a height of 2950 meters. Towards the east and west is very steep. Other large increases are around Barraco Peak (2644 m) and the Loma de la Viuda (2801 m). To the east is the Loma la Rusilla and Pico del Yaque, with 3038 and 2761 m, respectively.

There are four major valleys of rivers that drain water from the massif of Pico Duarte: Bao River to the north, the Rio Yaque del Norte to the northeast, the White River Yaque del Sur River to the south. To the west are the valleys of the River Millet and Lemon Creek draining into the South and the valleys of the Mao River and its tributaries that drain into the North. These valleys mountains rise in many cases exceed the 2000 meters.

In almost all heights of the Cordillera Central volcanic rocks predominate, such as tonalite, basalt and granite. These rocks have an age of about 100 million years, being much older than the other mountain systems of the island. Large valleys such as Jarabacoa, Manabao, Constance Tetero Valley are sedimentary beds. The top of the ridge shows signs of having had in the past glacial activity. Weather

The climate is influenced mainly by the trade winds coming from the Northeast carrying rain clouds eventually collide with the ridges causing discharge their waters. Thus, much of the rain is precipitated in the Northern Range and in the most eastern slopes of the Cordillera Central (Reserva Cientifica Ebano Verde), the rest follows journey to be dropped on the north side of the rest of the Cordillera Central. On the southern slopes of the Cordillera Central rains less (known as a rain shadow).

temperatures depend on the height. One can calculate that for every 100 m low temperature rise 1 ° C. In the upper reaches of the mountains, temperatures can drop below 0 ° C in the early morning hours. Hydrology

The massif of Pico Duarte is extremely important to the hydrological regime of the country. There arise two major rivers in the Dominican Republic: Yaque del Norte River with its tributary the Rio Bao and Yaque del Sur River and its tributaries Millet, Rio Grande and Rio San Juan. These rivers are very important to provide drinking water to urban centers and irrigation in arid areas in the Western Cibao, San Juan Valley and the plains of Azua and Barahona. All major rivers have dams when they leave the mountains to the plains.

These dams, in addition to storing water for dry seasons, have hydroelectric plants that generate a substantial share of electricity nationwide. Due to the geological formation of the Cordillera Central, are mainly shallow waters. So even at the highest points as in the Vallecito de Lilís, water emerges for most of the year.

want to visit the Pico Duarte? It is not difficult, there are periodic excursions that can be done, it's worth this wonderful experience.