Monday, December 17, 2007

Pasta Express Instructions

the tourist region of the Southwest region includes the provinces of Barahona, Bahoruco, Independencia and Pedernales, occupying an area of \u200b\u200b7.102 square kilometers with a population of 327.636 inhabitants, located in what Jaragua was Chiefdom. The climate is varied
which creates a contrast in the region, as there are cold areas, wet and dry, the latter predominating. His most important are bananas, beans, coffee, rice, vegetables and grapes in the Valley of Neyba.
Mineral resources include bauxite, in Pedernales; salt and gypsum in Barahona Larimar in Bahoruco, among others. Extension
Most of the provinces that make up this tourist destination is occupied Pedernales, with 2.075 square kilometers with a population of 18.054 inhabitants, followed by Independence with an area of \u200b\u200b2.006 square kilometers and 39.541 inhabitants. In Pedernales stresses the beach Bahia de las Aguilas, a uniquely beautiful seaside resort for its crystal, which forms the Jaragua National Park.
On the other hand, Barahona covers an area of \u200b\u200b1.739 square kilometers and a population of 164.835 inhabitants. Finally, Bahoruco occupies an area of \u200b\u200b1.282 square kilometers with a population of 105.206 people.
Taking the path of the setting sun, about 200 kilometers from the Dominican capital, you get to the province of Barahona, in the peninsula of the same name, first point of interest on a tour of the tourist region of the Southwest region, blessed with a coastline of magnificent beauty, made for costs submersible, ideal for fishing. The beaches that surround this land of idyllic landscapes offer visitors the charm of its colors and shapes.
unique attraction offers the mysterious Magnetic Pole, a source of admiration of the visitor with its defiant move against the laws of physics.
Another place of interest is the Laguna de Rincon scientific reserve ideal for bird watching. Cold water springs, as well as the source of thermal water and sulfur in a canoe, are among the attractions that visitors will enjoy in this place of dreams.
Following the path to the west, the direction is the Independencia Province to visit the Lake Enriquillo, which at 45 meters below sea level, and hypersaline waters is the largest lake in the Antilles. Emerging from the lake, is the island kids, where the chief Enriquillo (indigenous leader who rebelled against the exploitation to which they were subjected by the English conquistadors) was his refuge, now converted into a Park Nacional, whose fauna, composed of the American crocodile, iguanas, flamingos and other waterfowl, bring the memory of a paleo-world.
On the south side of Lake Enriquillo are the tropical rainforest Bahoruco and Laguna de Rincon, offering visitors a dramatic contrast between the arid terrain along the lake and lush rain forests of the Sierra Bahoruco, recalling that in this harsh land and ancestral contrasts happen as rosary beads, from beaches to mountains, tropical forests sulphurous thermal water, to arid plains.
In Pedernales can delight in the Jaragua National Parks and Bahoruco, contemplating its biodiversity (the relevant country) and abundance of endemic orchids, begonias and xeric plants.
Oviedo Lagoon, which delights the fans, the rich fauna of native and endemic birds that make it one of the largest concentrations of Antillas.El Visitors will be entranced with the most beautiful beach in the Caribbean, Bahia de las Aguilas washed by the waters of the Caribbean, caressed by the rays of the sun, reflecting its golden glow on the mantle of the sand.